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Resolution on Information and Communications

Resolution on Information and Communications
adopted by the
20th General Assembly
of the
Conference Of Non-Governmental Organizations
in Consultative Status with ECOSOC (CONGO)/1

Geneva, Switzerland, 1997.11.03 - 1997.11.05


Information and Communications

    The 20th General Assembly of the Conference of NGOs, meeting in Geneva from 3 to 5 November, 1997,

    Recognizing the continuing dramatic advances in information and communications technology, and the ways in which these advances are:

    • transforming access to, and participation in, the United Nations system;

    • creating a forum for non-governmental organizations that transcends national boundaries; and

    • enabling structural changes in the relationships between non-governmental organizations and national and local governments;

    Recognizing also that there exist very substantial disparities between countries, and within countries, in the extent to which there is effective access to the global information infrastructure;

    Resolves to consider how the Conference of NGOs and its member organizations can make use of modern information and communications technology to increase their effectiveness and to strengthen the participation of non-governmental organizations in the work of the United Nations system in order to promote the goals of the United Nations.


1/ Now Conference Of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations. The name of the organization was changed at by the 20th General Assembly.

    Resolution proposed by:

    Information Habitat: Where Information Lives
    International Council of Jewish Women

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