United Nations |
A/RES/40/14 |
General Assembly |
Distr: General 18 November 1985 Original: English |
Fortieth session Agenda item 89 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly |
The General Assembly, acting as United Nations World Conference for the International Youth Year,
Recognizing the profound importance of the direct participation of youth in shaping the future of mankind and the valuable contribution that youth can make in all sectors of society, as well as its willingness to express its ideas concerning the building of a better and more just world in which it can attain the objectives of the International Youth Year: Participation, Development, Peace, Considering it necessary to disseminate among youth the ideals of peace, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, human solidarity and dedication to the objectives of progress and development, Convinced that youth should be encouraged to contribute its energies, enthusiasm and creative abilities to the task of nation-building, the observance of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, the realization of the right to self-determination and national independence, the respect for sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of each State, the economic, social and cultural advancement of peoples, the implementation of a new international economic order and the promotion of international co-operation and understanding to achieve the objectives of the International Youth Year: Participation, Development, Peace, Recognizing the important role of United Nations bodies, the specialized agencies and the regional commissions in promoting international co-operation in the field of youth and recognizing that they should continue to give more attention to the role of young people in the world of today, to their ideas and initiatives and to their demands for the world of tomorrow, Convinced that the preparation for and observance in 1985 of the International Youth Year with the motto "Participation, Development, Peace" have offered a useful and significant opportunity for drawing attention to the situation and the specific needs and aspirations of youth, for increasing co-operation at all levels in dealing with youth issues, for undertaking concerted action programmes in favour of youth and for improving the participation of young people in the study, decision-making processes and resolution of major national, regional and international problems, Bearing in mind that the International Youth Year has served to mobilize efforts at the local, national, regional and international levels in order to promote the best educational, professional and living conditions for young people, to ensure their active participation in the overall development of society and to encourage their participation in the preparation of new national and local policies and programmes in accordance with the experience, conditions and priorities of each country, Conscious that the International Youth Year has contributed to strengthening the rights, the ability and the willingness of young people to participate in all activities relevant to them and to promote their own interests, Commending the organizers of international youth conferences and festivals and other specific activities devoted to the International Youth Year for the results of those events inspired by the motto of the International Youth Year, "Participation, Development, Peace", Noting with satisfaction the outcome of the World Congress on Youth held at Barcelona, Spain, from 8 to 15 July 1985 under the auspices of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Mindful that national committees or other mechanisms to facilitate the planning, implementation and co-ordination of the activities related to the preparation for and observance of the International Youth Year have been established in a majority of States, Convinced that the timely and significant impetus generated by the activities of the International Youth Year should be maintained and reinforced with appropriate follow-up action at all levels, Expressing its appreciation to the Advisory Committee for the International Youth Year and to the United Nations Secretariat for their important contribution to the whole process of preparation and observance of the International Youth Year, Having considered the report of the Advisory Committee for the International Youth Year on its fourth session, held at Vienna from 25 March to 3 April 1985, Having considered also the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the guidelines and additional guidelines for the improvement of channels of communication between the United Nations and youth and youth organizations, 1. Endorses the guidelines for further planning and suitable follow-up in the field of youth as contained in the report of the Advisory Committee for the International Youth Year on its fourth session; 2. Requests the Secretary-General to transmit the guidelines for further planning and suitable follow-up in the field of youth to all States, United Nations bodies, the specialized agencies and regional commissions as well as to other international organizations concerned; 3. Calls upon all States, all United Nations bodies, the specialized agencies, regional commissions and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations concerned, in particular youth organizations, to exert all possible efforts for the implementation of the guidelines for further planning and suitable follow-up in the field of youth, in accordance with their experience, conditions and priorities; 4. Urges all States to make every effort to consolidate and build further on the results of the International Youth Year; 5. Considers that, as the case may be, the continuing of national committees and other appropriate co-ordination measures at the national level devoted to the International Youth Year could be usefully considered, and notes with satisfaction the intention of national committees in many countries to ensure a proper follow-up, including adequate funding and the integration of the results of the Year into future activities and policies in order to continue to pursue the objectives of the International Youth Year: Participation, Development, Peace; 6. Requests the appropriate United Nations bodies and the specialized agencies to consider taking up in their programmes every year one or more specific youth-related projects to be elaborated in close co-operation with non-governmental youth organizations on such themes as communication, housing, culture, youth employment and education; 7. Recommends that the Secretary-General keep under review the youth element in the programmes of appropriate United Nations bodies and the specialized agencies; 8. Requests the Commission for Social Development to examine, on a regular basis, specific youth issues, in keeping with the objectives of the International Youth Year: Participation, Development, Peace; 9. Stresses again the importance of the active and direct participation of youth and youth organizations in the activities organized at the local, national, regional and international levels in the field of youth; 10. Emphasizes the importance of improving the active use of the channels of communication between the United Nations system and youth organizations, both at the national and international levels; 11. Invites Governments again to consider the regular inclusion of youth representatives in their national delegations to the General Assembly and other relevant United Nations meetings; 12. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its forty-first session the item entitled "Policies and programmes involving young people: Participation, Development, Peace" and to evaluate, in this framework, the results of the International Youth Year on the basis of a report of the Secretary-General.
80th plenary meeting