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  United Nations


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General Assembly

Distr: General
7 December 1962
Original: English

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Seventeenth session
Agenda item 12

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly

1777 (XVII). United Nations assistance for the advancement of women in developing countries

The General Assembly,

Recalling Economic and Social Council resolution 771 H (XXX) of 25 July 1960 and General Assembly resolution 1509 (XV) of 12 December 1960 concerning special assistance by the United Nations and the specialized agencies for the advancement of women in developing countries,

Having considered the reports prepared by the Secretary-General in accordance with the above-mentioned resolutions,/5

Reaffirming Economic and Social Council resolution 884 E (XXXIV) of 16 July 1962, by which the Council recognized the necessity to develop and co-ordinate the various programmes of the United Nations, the specialized agencies and the United Nations Children's Fund which are designed to promote the advancement of women in developing countries,

Recognizing the importance of the work accomplished by the Commission on the Status of Women,

Believing that the co-ordination and development of these various programmes should be implemented through a unified, long-term United Nations programme for the advancement of women,

Recognizing that new resources required for this purpose may be provided by the contributions of Member States, especially of the advanced countries, and by those non-governmental organizations whose aims are to advance the welfare of women everywhere,

Recognizing that it is appropriate to draw the attention of world public opinion to the importance of this problem,

1.Welcomes Economic and Social Council resolution 884 E (XXXIV) by which the Council, inter alia, invites the International Labour Organisation, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children's Fund, in co-operation with the United Nations, to strengthen and expand their programmes designed to meet the needs of women in developing countries and to seek new methods to achieve this purpose;

2.Requests the Secretary-General to study, in cooperation with the Member States, the specialized agencies, the United Nations Children's Fund and appropriate non-governmental organizations, the possibility of providing and developing new resources aimed especially at the initiation and implementation of a unified long-term United Nations programme for the advancement of women;

3.Requests the Secretary-General, within the scope of the programme of advisory services in the field of human rights and the advisory social welfare services programme, to study especially the possibility of expanding the assistance which can be rendered, through seminars, fellowships and the services of experts, for the advancement of women in developing countries;

4.Invites the Commission on the Status of Women to co-operate with the Secretary-General to these ends:

5.Further requests the Secretary-General to report to the Economic and Social Council and to the General Assembly on developments in this respect, especially with regard to the possibility of establishing the above-mentioned programme.

1187th plenary meeting
7 December 1962


5/ Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Thirty-fourth Session, Annexes, agenda item 19, documents E/3493, E/3566 and Add.1.