At its 54th plenary meeting, on 26 July 1995, the Economic and Social Council, having taken note of the report of the Open-ended Working Group on the Review of Arrangements for Consultation with Non-Governmental Organizations on its second session,/71 decided:
- To extend the mandate of the Working Group for a period of one year, with a meeting time of not less than two weeks, and requested the Working Group to submit its final report to the Council at its substantive session of 1996;
- To increase, on the basis of equitable geographical representation, the current membership of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations and to implement this decision after the completion of the current review;
- That, starting in 1996, the Committee should meet annually and, should this be necessary for the prompt discharge of its duties, on an ad hoc basis;
- To request the Committee to undertake a thorough review of its methods of work with a view to improving and streamlining its procedures;
- To prolong the consultative status, on the Roster, of those non-governmental organizations so accredited by the Economic and Social Council in its decision 1993/329 of 30 July 1993, subject to a final resolution of the issue by the Council at its substantive session of 1996, following the outcome of the review of arrangements for consultation with non-governmental organizations currently under way.